Relief Watch





Relief Watch is a platform that enables community voices to shape humanitarian action, and hold organisations to account


How IT

Affirming communities' agency with an accessible channel to hold humanitarian actors to account

Chatbots on platforms such as Facebook Messenger allow people to give their experiences of humanitarian organisations conversationally, in a channel that is always available, and always responsive.

Forums facilitated by trained Sociolinguists in camps and neighbourhoods around the country ensure that the experiences and perspectives of hard-to-reach people are also heard, and added to the open data platform.

Qualitative Data from Facebook and Community Forums are translated and made available on Relief Watch's open data platform. People's stories are anonymous, but organisations can see metadata such as the location, age, and date of posting, of the author to make following-up on reports easier. If organisations respond to a story, the original author is notified.

Donors use the platform to compare with organisations' own Monitoring and Evaluation reports. Donors can also access data on community perceptions of organisations' fulfilment of CHS commitments on Relief Watch.

How IT

Bottom-up accountability something something top-down accountability but let's not repeat ourselves!

How it works

Weaving voices into assistance

Chatbots on platforms such as Facebook Messenger allow people to give their experiences of humanitarian organisations conversationally, in a channel that is always available, and always responsive.

Forums facilitated by trained Sociolinguists in camps and neighbourhoods around the country ensure that the experiences and perspectives of hard-to-reach people are also heard, and added to the open data platform.

Qualitative data from Facebook and Community Forums are translated and made available on Relief Watch's open data platform. People's stories are anonymous, but organisations can see metadata such as the location, age, and date of posting, of the author to make following-up on reports easier. If organisations respond to a story, the original author is notified.

Donors use the platform to compare with organisations' own Monitoring and Evaluation reports. Donors can also access data on community perceptions of organisations' fulfilment of CHS commitments on Relief Watch.

Organisations just give and go. There are so many useless projects here, for example $30,000 for 'peaceful living'. We need to rebuild our homes. Relief Watch provided us with the space to raise these issues. Nobody’s ever asked us our opinion before” Forum Participant, Mosul, July 2019

Open, transparent
and local

Create Custom Insight Maps

Uncover emerging needs in areas of concern, and monitor the tone of community perceptions

Organisation Listening Index

Identify organisations that are open and listening to communities, and track live input on CHS indicators


Custom Insight Maps

Uncover emerging needs in areas of concern, and monitor the tone of community perceptions

Organisation Listening Index

Identify organisations that are open and engaging with communities, and track live input on CHS indicators

Relief Watch could very well be an objective and independent mechanism to feed into a way to assess organisations, activities, and delivery of humanitarian assistance.” Marta Ruedas, Humanitarian Coordinator, Iraq, 2019

Read about Relief Watch in Iraq

Feedback Forum in Baharka Camp

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Adaptive Programs Gaining Momentum

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Supporting Families Seeking Answers

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Prototyping new ways to improve Humanitarian Action

Relief Watch is a project funded by Humanity United, in collaboration with the Humanitarian Policy Group at London's Overseas Development Institute, and Sonder Design Collective. Throughout 2019, the project team researched and prototyped various feedback mechanisms with recipients of aid in Iraq. In addition, the team also facilitated numerous workshops with the humanitarian community to explore new ways to ensure feedback is followed-up on, and humanitarian organisations are held to account by the communities they work in. The work presented on this website is the culmination of the work done in 2019, and the starting point for the next phase of work in 2020.


Prototyping New Ways to Improve Humanitarian Action

Relief Watch is a project funded by Humanity United, in collaboration with the Humanitarian Policy Group at London's Overseas Development Institute, and Sonder Design Collective. Throughout 2019, the project team researched and prototyped various feedback mechanisms with recipients of aid in Iraq. In addition, the team also facilitated numerous workshops with the humanitarian community to explore new ways to ensure feedback is followed-up on, and humanitarian organisations are held to account by the communities they work in. The work presented on this website is the culmination of the work done in 2019, and the starting point for the next phase of work in 2020.


Full Project Report

"The resources and capacities of international humanitarian actors account for only a small part of responses to crises. Assistance provided by local and national actors is often not recognised, which can result in inefficiencies, duplication and missed opportunities."

John Bryant, Mapping local capacities and support for more effective humanitarian responses, Humanitarian Policy Group


Full Project Report

"The resources and capacities of international humanitarian actors account for only a small part of responses to crises. Assistance provided by local and national actors is often not recognised, which can result in inefficiencies, duplication and missed opportunities."

John Bryant, Mapping local capacities and support for more effective humanitarian responses, Humanitarian Policy Group


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